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1 G. Sakamoto,B. Topp.Ultraviolet Disinfection Technology in Ontario: The Past,The Present and The Future.WEAO Conference,Hamilton,Ontario,April, 2019


2 B. Oliver, E. Cosgrove.The disinfection of sewage treatment plant effluents using ultraviolet light.Can J Chem Eng,1975,53(4)

3 B. Tonelli, A K HO.Evaluating Disinfection Alternatives.Proc Toronto Pollution Control Association.April,1978

4 K. HO, P. Bohm.UV disinfection of tertiary and secOndary effluents. Water Poll Res J Can,1984,16

5 K. W. A. HO.Application of Ultraviolet Disinfection in a Tertiary Wastewater Treatment Plant.Research Project #87 Ministry of the Environment (MOE),1982

6 P. Bohm,K. Ho,J. Pagel.Application of UV desinfection Technology in OntahO Pollution Control Plant Effluents.Tech Transfer Confermce. Toronto, Oct. 1982

7 K. HO, P. Bohm.Evaluation of UV Light Disinfection Process in Richmond Hill WPCP.Research Project of the Ministry of the Environment (MOE),1984(责任编辑:admin)