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技术员转正自我评价 篇1



一、思想方面。 我有良好道德修养、坚定的政治方向。坚持实事求是的工作态度,能自觉加强理论学习,努力提高思想政治素质。 在北方长大的我梦想到南方工作,被分配到福建实习满心欢喜。还记坐火车刚进入福建首先映入眼帘的是起起伏伏的群山,心中满是落差。到项目部后大家的友好热情让我很快融入到这个大家庭,让我渐渐适应了这个地方。 总以为外面的世界很精彩。可是,很快寂寞便向我袭来。这里远离了朝夕相处的亲人朋友、远离了留满足迹的城市、便捷的交通、舒适的生活。这里没有KTV,没有酒吧,没有影院,没有也公园,有的只是单调的生活。我对自己的未来产生了怀疑。尽管条件比较差,但是我没有听到别的同事对生活的抱怨和对生活的不满。我看到的是项目部的每个人都在为工程的进度各尽其责、各显其能。我被他们吃苦耐劳、精益求精的精神折服了,我要以他们为榜样,努力做好自己的本职工作。

二、在工作方面 我勤奋好学,踏实肯干,能吃苦耐劳,恪尽职守,具备较强的责任心与执行力。非常注意的向周围的老同事学习,在工作中处处留意,多看,多思考,多学习,以较快的速度熟悉着公司的情况,较好的融入到了我们的这个团队中。 一开始我搞测量。那段时间天很热,我们抗着仪器跨过沟、翻过山、穿过杂草丛„„就这样,我渐渐懂得了怎样用卡西欧5800计算器计算坐标,怎样放桩位以及如何放开挖线。 后来我跟随师傅学习现场技术。毒辣的太阳尽情的释放自己的热情,让我们我们每天汗流浃背。但是,我没有被这种艰辛的工作所吓倒,反而激起了我对工作和生活发起挑战的斗志。经过一段时间的考验,我变黑了,也会写资料了,放样与全站仪的操作能力也有了很大的提高。 再后来我的工作重点转移到资料上了,每天不再接受大自然的洗礼。但繁忙的工作给我很大压力,时间紧,任务重,领导的批评也如家常便饭。尽管如此,我没有气馁,我坚信只有自己努力,一定能够掌握技术工作的方方面面。我一如既往的以饱满的热情对待自己的工作。在工作的过程中,我的计算机操作水平有了进一步提高,业务素质长进很快。我渐渐的能做一些报表、收方、计划之类的事情„„这些小小的进步得到了大家的认可,20xx年被评为中铁十局“青年岗位能手”与 中铁十局三建公司“青年岗位能手”。 在工作之余,我认真学习公司、项目部的各项规章制度,研究施工图纸,积极将所学知识用于实际,潜移默化中培养了我组织能力和团队合作精神。现在我已能够胜任四工区的技术工作。

三、在生活上 在枯燥的工地生活中,为了扩大知识面和培养自己的业余爱好,业余时间我经常利用络带来的便利,关注最新科学技术动态。尤其是有关本专业的知识。使自己始终紧跟世界最新发展潮流和时代的步伐。 每逢中国的法定节假日,我们项目组织的个各种活动我都会踊跃参加,这些活动是我们同事的感情更深、更团结。 晚上偶尔的空闲时间和同事一起去镇上吃炒面也是一件很快乐的事情,吃吃喝喝,聊聊天,谈谈工作,增进了我们的感情,也使我们工作起来更为默契。在这里我认识了一批用于奉献,乐观向上的人,也是在这里我解释了许多真真的朋友,这些都让我很开心。


技术员转正自我评价 篇2


一、思想方面。 我有良好道德修养、坚定的政治方向。坚持实事求是的工作态度,能自觉加强理论学习,努力提高思想政治素质。 在北方长大的我梦想到南方工作,被分配到福建实习满心欢喜。还记坐火车刚进入福建首先映入眼帘的是起起伏伏的群山,心中满是落差。到项目部后大家的友好热情让我很快融入到这个大家庭,让我渐渐适应了这个地方。 总以为外面的世界很精彩。可是,很快寂寞便向我袭来。这里远离了朝夕相处的亲人朋友、远离了留满足迹的城市、便捷的交通、舒适的生活。这里没有KTV,没有酒吧,没有影院,没有也公园,有的只是单调的生活。我对自己的未来产生了怀疑。尽管条件比较差,但是我没有听到别的同事对生活的抱怨和对生活的不满。我看到的是项目部的每个人都在为工程的进度各尽其责、各显其能。我被他们吃苦耐劳、精益求精的精神折服了,我要以他们为榜样,努力做好自己的本职工作。

二、在工作方面 我勤奋好学,踏实肯干,能吃苦耐劳,恪尽职守,具备较强的责任心与执行力。非常注意的向周围的老同事学习,在工作中处处留意,多看,多思考,多学习,以较快的速度熟悉着公司的情况,较好的融入到了我们的这个团队中。 一开始我搞测量。那段时间天很热,我们抗着仪器跨过沟、翻过山、穿过杂草丛„„就这样,我渐渐懂得了怎样用卡西欧5800计算器计算坐标,怎样放桩位以及如何放开挖线。 后来我跟随师傅学习现场技术。毒辣的太阳尽情的释放自己的热情,让我们我们每天汗流浃背。但是,我没有被这种艰辛的工作所吓倒,反而激起了我对工作和生活发起挑战的斗志。经过一段时间的考验,我变黑了,也会写资料了,放样与全站仪的操作能力也有了很大的提高。 再后来我的工作重点转移到资料上了,每天不再接受大自然的洗礼。但繁忙的工作给我很大压力,时间紧,任务重,领导的批评也如家常便饭。尽管如此,我没有气馁,我坚信只有自己努力,一定能够掌握技术工作的方方面面。我一如既往的以饱满的热情对待自己的工作。在工作的过程中,我的计算机操作水平有了进一步提高,业务素质长进很快。我渐渐的能做一些报表、收方、计划之类的事情„„这些小小的进步得到了大家的认可,20xx年被评为中铁十局“青年岗位能手”与 中铁十局三建公司“青年岗位能手”。 在工作之余,我认真学习公司、项目部的各项规章制度,研究施工图纸,积极将所学知识用于实际,潜移默化中培养了我组织能力和团队合作精神。现在我已能够胜任四工区的技术工作。

三、在生活上 在枯燥的工地生活中,为了扩大知识面和培养自己的业余爱好,业余时间我经常利用络带来的便利,关注最新科学技术动态。尤其是有关本专业的知识。使自己始终紧跟世界最新发展潮流和时代的步伐。 每逢中国的法定节假日,我们项目组织的个各种活动我都会踊跃参加,这些活动是我们同事的感情更深、更团结。 晚上偶尔的空闲时间和同事一起去镇上吃炒面也是一件很快乐的事情,吃吃喝喝,聊聊天,谈谈工作,增进了我们的感情,也使我们工作起来更为默契。在这里我认识了一批用于奉献,乐观向上的人,也是在这里我解释了许多真真的朋友,这些都让我很开心。

技术员转正自我评价 篇3

I have benefited a lot from this year's hard work and constant learning since I had been working in July of years ago. Here it is necessary to summarize the gains and losses over the past year, to carry forward a good place to improve the inadequacies of the review of the road can be better to see in front of the road.

Character is a prerequisite to determine the value of a person. Not a good moral character, everything else is empty talk. So this year I insist on regular study of Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought, to improve their own ideological consciousness. The formation of their own correct outlook on life values. But also actively participate in the school organization of various learning political activities, self-taught a lot of social philosophy, which are very helpful to me, I also worship a great charisma, and has been trying to do it themselves. All in any case, I have not forgotten political learning, and to the moral demands of their own. Usually and teachers live in harmony, work together, learn together, and common progress. At the same time do not forget to help others, helpful people not only can cast a noble character, but also will get a lot of their own interests to help others but also to help themselves.

"Learning for the teacher, behavior world Fan", is that every teacher should follow, is a norm of teacher behavior. This year, I pay attention to their own moral behavior, and strive to give students a good example. Because high school students are in a special stage of learning: the beginning of contact with society, the role of people in society began to gradually understand, this time students can easily imitate the behavior of adults, a lot of bad habits have Many good habits are in this stage to develop, is good or bad with the teacher's words and deeds of the body has a great time the teacher is the most direct and easy to learn the object, as a high school teacher, do their own code of conduct for students to establish a good learning model is very important. This is my own requirements.

As a computer teacher, the rapid development of information technology, the rapid development of their own knowledge is very important, do not learn a day, it will lag behind, so since the work, I still continue to learn, did not dare to relax. As soon as I have free time, I will strive to learn information technology-related teaching methods, learning information technology-related technologies. The field of information technology is very extensive, the technology from shallow to deep span is also quite large, a person's knowledge in this ocean is like a dust, in order to better based on society, must continue to increase the depth and breadth of year, I try to expand their knowledge, but also continue to delve into the depth of their own feel a lot of harvest. Of course, this is still not enough, Xuehai knows no boundaries, in the next year, there are more need to learn, and now only sigh too little time, the clock is too fast.

When the teacher for almost a year, although the teaching method is not very mature, but I have learned a lot in teaching. In this year, I served as a year seven classes of information technology teaching, one six classes of vice class, and is responsible for school computer maintenance, electronic reading room management, work is more substantial. I often think about the teaching methods of information technology, the design of teaching methods, and whether this design can make students more receptive. I also understand their own knowledge does not mean that teaching is good or bad, teaching is a meticulous work, but also skilled work. So I think the importance of teaching and research in teaching is even higher than their own learning, and I have been spending more time in teaching and research, not months of teaching and research activities as I learn other teachers experience a good time to actively participate in Each of the teaching and research activities, each event I feel a lot of benefit. As the old saying goes, it is better to delegate to fish than to fish, but it is easier said than done, and it will take some effort. I think teaching students how to learn is the most important, so every teaching, I try to move closer to this, and strive to teach students how to self-study, how to choose meaningful learning. At the same time, also did not forget to knowledge education and emotional attitudes, values combine to cultivate the new century qualified middle school students.

Of course, this year I have a lot of deficiencies, for example, as a teacher, I did not spend more time to in-depth students, students, I think this is not enough, the saying goes, to know ourselves, can only win, Want to better do a good job teaching, students should be in-depth understanding. Also, the lack of new information technology teaching materials. This will be my next year's improvement direction, strive for better in all aspects.