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1. 封面(cover)

2. 标题页 (title page)

3. 鸣谢 (acknowledgements)

4. 中文摘要 (abstract in chinese)

5. 英文摘要 (abstract in english)

6. 目录页 (contents)

7. 正文 (从 “introduction” 到 “conclusion”, 其中包含尾注或脚注)

8. 参考文献 (bibliography)


1. 封面


2. 标题页


shanghai international studies university

gender in canadian feminist translation studies

a thesis

submitted to graduate school and college of english

in partial fulfillment of requirements for

degree of master of arts


han zhongyi

under supervision of professor feng qinghua

november XX

3. 鸣谢

行文语气要严肃敬重,内容须紧扣论文和学术的前后过程,切忌离题,避免主客倒置。 “acknowledgements” 必须为复数形式。鸣谢页不须标注页码。

4. 摘要

4.1 摘要必须概括论文的主要内容,突出论文的创新点。

4.2 内容要少而精,一般不超过一页,切忌铺延漫谈。

4.3 页尾提供的关键词不宜过多,一般为3-5个。关键词要能反映学术研究的关键连接点,以方便作相关课题的检索。

5. 目录页




abstract (chinese) ……………………………………………………........................ ii

abstract (english)…….………………………………………………………………. iii

introduction ……………………………………… ………………………………….. 1

chapter one feminist translation in canada……………………………………….. 4

1.1 canadian literary translation ……………………………. ………………… 4

1.1.1 translation as political weapon ………………………………………… 12

1.1.2 government support…………………………………………………….. 15

1.1.3 translation organizations……………………………………………….. 17

1.2 feminist translations studies………………………………………………… 18

1.2.1 gender awareness and feminist writing………………………………… 18

1.2.2 translations and translation studies by canadian feminists……………. 22

1.3 de lotbieniere-harwood and von flotow……………………………………. 25

1.3.1 de lotbieniere-harwood………………………………………………… 25

1.3.2 von flotow……………………………………………………………… . 27

chapter two gender in translation………………………………………………… 30

2.1 notion of gender…………………………………………………………….. 30

2.1.1 grammatical gender and semantic gender…………………………….. 31

2.1.2 development of gender in feminism…………………………………… 32

2.1.3 sex, gender and sexuality………………………………………………. 34

2.2 de lotbieniere-harwood: feminist awareness……………………………… 37

2.2.1 sense of identity………………………………………………………… 37

2.2.2 gender universality…………………………………………………….. 40

2.2.3 feminist awareness……………………………………………………… 43

chapter three language in translation……………………………………………… 47

3.1 gender and english………………………………………………………….. 47

3.1.1 sexist english…………………………………………………………… 51

3.1.2 corrections of patriarchal english……………………………………… 55

conclusion…………………………………………………………………………….. 58

bibliography…………………………………………………………………………… 61

6. 正文

6.1 行文要规范,脚注或尾注等,必须使用word所提供的相应工具来操作。

6.2 段首缩进4-5个英文字母或2个汉字,段与段之间不空行。


6.4 除以上说明的分级标题外,正文中的行文采用小四号字(行文当中出现的中文,采用五号字),但引用的段落采用五号字,且必须左右各缩进10个英文字母。

6.5 在行文论述中,引用的文字如果不是英语,须先用英语表达(即译成英语),后以括号引出原文并标明出处(可用缩略形式标明出处,但其全称须在bibliography中列出),例如:…“the faithfulness in translation should include expressiveness and elegance. to be expressive helps to be faithful, but to be elegant does not mean decorating expressiveness. faithfulness is to render a piece of work in the way that the author intended it till the original style is staged.”(译事之信,当包达、雅;达正以尽信,而雅非为饰达。依意旨以传,而能如风格以出,斯之谓信。)[钱钟书,1986:1101]


7. 参考文献


crystal, david. a dictionary of linguistics and phonetics [z]. 4th ed. oxford: blackwell publishers ltd., 1997.

he, a. w. discourse analysis [a]. m. aronoff & j. rees-miller (eds.). the handbook of linguistics [c]. london: blackwell, XX.428-445.

hymes, d. foundations in sociolinguistics: an ethnographic approach [m]. philadelphia: university of pennsylvania press, 1994.

li, yafei. on v-v compounds in chinese [j]. natural language and linguistic theory, 1990, (8): 177-207.

沈家煊.类型学中的标记模式 [j].《外语教学与研究》,1997,(1):1-10.




a (article from anthology) 论文集中析出文献

c (collected papers) 论文集;会议录

d (dissertation) 学位论文

j (journal article) 期刊文章

m (major work) 专著;普通图书

n (newspaper article) 报纸文章

p (patent) 专利

r (report) 报告

s (specification) 标准

z 其他未说明的文献类型

cp (computer program) 计算机程序

db (database) 数据库

eb (electronic bulletin board) 电子公告


cd (cd-rom) 光盘

dk (disk) 磁盘

mt (magnetic tape) 磁带

ol (online) 联机文献


c/ol 网上会议录

cp/dk 磁带软件

db/mt 磁带数据库

db/ol 联机网上数据库

eb/ol 网上电子公告

j/ol 网上期刊

m/cd 光盘图书

n/ol 网上报纸

8. 全文字体

全部英文采用 “times new roman” 体,全部中文采用宋体。

9. 全文行距
